Wednesday 23 March 2016

Overview of the Passage [Hebrews 11:23-31]

This passage contains the faith records of those in the Exodus generation, stretching from Moses to Rahab. Moses' life was filled with moments requiring great faith— from his parents saving his life at birth to his keeping of the Passover. It is important to note that Moses' faith wasn't perfect; his hesitancy to go to Pharaoh (Exod. 4:1-17) is well documented. However, he clearly still went forward in faith, expecting and hoping for a greater reward. His fear didn't overtake his faith; if it had, he wouldn't have continued forward in obeying God in the ways mentioned.

The same must be said about the Israelites. The author of Hebrews leans upon their crossing the Red Sea and circling the city as ways they demonstrated faith. What if churches in Milwaukee marched around the city with prayer for 7 days?! However, there are extensive examples of their complaining and lamenting the departure from Egypt (Exod. 14:11). Again, their faith, though not perfect, was evident in their actions. Rahab, too, was fearful of the Israelites and the LORD (Josh. 2:8-13) along with the rest of the people of Jericho. However, her actions demonstrated her faith in God and his greater purposes.

Where to Land the Plane.
The author of Hebrews is giving us examples of faith— examples that are clearly imperfect, but still moving forward in faith. Despite the mentions of fears, the truth remains that they took these significant steps of faith. All of these steps were in hope of God's greater plan, which comes to ultimate fulfillment in Christ. Had Christ not endured all that he did, the greater reward wouldn't be possible. Milwaukee Churches can and should thank God as they consider what Christ accomplished on the cross. Further, where our faith falls short, we must remember Christ's perfect faithfulness. Don't be confused: Christ's perfection doesn't simply fill in the gaps where we fall short. Instead, Christ became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21).

Let us fully lean upon Christ as the Perfect and Faithful savior. Let us walk by faith that through him we will inherit all that has been promised to us as God's people. Let us fully affirm our need for Christ to be the perfection that we will never be.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Overview of the Passage [Hebrews 11:8-22]

While last week's passage covers the span of Genesis 1-11, this passage covers the narrative of Genesis 12-50, through the foundation of the relationship between the LORD and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Again, the pattern established in 11:1-2 continues in this section. Faith is demonstrated when people act in (1) the assurance of things they hope to happen (by God's hand) and/or (2) the conviction of things not seen. When God's people act in this way there is a commendation that is received.

The LORD's calling of Abraham to go "to the land that I will show you" falls in line with this assurance/confidence, just as Sarah's confidence in the promised offspring in spite of her old age, God's preservation of Isaac when offered for sacrifice (Gen 22), and all the other examples in this passage.

Realistically, those mentioned here didn't experience the earthly commendation. While there is truth in the practicality of the need for an eternal perspective(!), it can be hard when we stand in the face of hardships, temptations, and struggles. This is where the original audience of Hebrews stood and where we are. The hard reality is that to walk in faith means we are living without seeing that which we hope for. Milwaukee Churches have the opportunity to do much the same.  The very nature of faith rests upon the hope that these things will come to pass.

Where to Land the Plane
The passage speaks throughout of the OT patriarchs looking toward a city that has been prepared for them. We must walk in view of the same truth. We need to be assured that Jesus has indeed gone to prepare a place for us (John 14:1-7). That through his death, resurrection, and ascension, Christ has secured our place with him in eternity. This is the faith that the patriarchs had— and in spite of their adversity and imperfections, they walked in faith. Will we?  How is the Faith of Abraham an example to Churches in Milwaukee?

By Faith

Our passage for the week is relatively short and sets up the whole chapter. This section could be organized in this way:

    - Verses 1-3: Overview/Framework of the Whole Chapter

    - Verses 4-7: Framework Applied to Abel, Enoch, and Noah (Genesis 1-11)
Framework of the Chapter
The author isn't providing a dictionary definition of faith here, but does give us a sense of what it looks like. Faith, he says, is:

    - The assurance of things hoped for,

    - The conviction of things not seen.

These two ideas are clearly linked; assurance and conviction are synonymous. Further, what we hope for is something that looks forward into the future; isn't part of our present reality; since we can't see the future, it is unseen. Are we assured of that which has been promised to us as believers? Do we maintain the conviction that, though unseen, God will bring it to reality? Will Churches in Milwaukee have this type of Faith

What happens when someone possesses such faith? Verse two states that the people of old (those that will be written about in this chapter) received their commendation.
Notice that all the examples throughout this chapter will follow this pattern:

    1. A demonstration of OT person's assurance and/or conviction [followed by]

    2. God's commendation to the faithful OT person.

Framework Applied
So, by faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain. Why? Abel had assurance and conviction of an unseen hope. What was the result? "[H]e was commended as righteous" (11:4). Use this framework to see how the whole chapter is structured. The ultimate commendation comes at the end of the chapter (and when Christ returns).

The author's main aim is for his audience to have assurance and conviction in an unseen hope that comes to them through the shed blood of Christ. Namely, he want them to endure all things so that they too will receive their commendation that comes to those who hold fast to their assurance and conviction. Let us stir up our group members towards the same aim. Milwaukee Churches we can have this type of faith and see God do amazing things through our churches.

Friday 4 March 2016

Jesus Loves the Church | epikos church

The final sermon in our love series is on LOVE CHURCH. The text comes from a section in Ephesians that is often referred to as a 'household table,' where there are instructions for how anyone within a household should live out their faith (cf. Col 3:18-4:1). Specifically, this section is addressed to husbands. The Apostle Paul calls upon husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church. Consider this list of what Christ has done/is doing/will do for the church:

  • Christ loved the church. (25)
  • Christ gave himself up for her [church is a feminine noun in Greek]. (25)
  • Christ hopes to sanctify her. (26)
  • Christ cleansed her by the washing of the water with the word. (26)
  • Christ hopes to present her to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle. (27)
  • Christ hopes that she might be holy and without blemish. (27)
  • Christ nourishes and cherishes the church. (29)
  • Christ has made believers members of his body. (30)

Christ has come into a one-fleshed union with believers, as husbands and wives are one flesh. (31-32)
What an amazing list! When we consider these things— some past, some present, and some hopeful future— we need to recognize that to be a believer is the bride of Christ. We are called into a covenant relationship with Him... are we fulfilling our vows to him in this marriage? Now let us not be confused— our relationship with Him is wholly based on his work. Yet we are called to respond to him as wives are called to respond to their husbands. Consider Ephesians 5:22-24:  
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.

To the world, these verses seem antiquated and out of step with modern life. Space doesn't allow for unpacking all of this (we will be studying Ephesians in the autumn, so it will come later), but the key idea here this: human marriage is a picture of the ultimate marriage between Christ and the church. We are called to faithfully respond to the work he has done for us at the cross. This analogy is used throughout Scripture to describe the relationship between the LORD and Israel (think: Hosea). The relationship between idolatry (read: anything put before God) and adultery is a well-established theme in the OT and is built upon here and in Revelation 19:1-10.  Churches in Milwaukee have people who do faithfully serve week in and week out.

Ultimately, it is time to 'define the relationship' with the Christ and his church. Are you living out your walk with Christ in the context of the body? Are living as one joined to him as a member of his body? If not, what is the step forward for you? Is it committing to regular attendance? serving? membership? Help your group members to see the call given to believers as a response to Christ to love the church and help them to see a practical step forward to be better disciples.  If you don't have a home at one of Milwaukee churches then find one.  While it doesn't have to be epikos, do find one.