Monday 25 January 2016

Overview of the Passage Hebrews 10:19-23

If you were at epikos church this week, we studied Hebrews 10:19-23.  If you don't have a church home we invite you to check us out.  We are one church in two locations.  We are one of the churches in Milwaukee and West Allis that is committed to sharing the gospel through faithful preaching.

This passage begins to summarize and apply this entire section that began at 5:1. Compare this week's passage with 4:14-16. The passage's general flow or structure is the declaration of the truth of what Christ's sacrifice achieves and then two commands for us to respond to in light of the truth.

The author declares our confidence to enter God's presence that comes through Christ alone through his sacrificed life and shed blood. Often times our confidence can rest in something other than Christ— even if it appears 'Christiany.' For example, our church attendance, our baptism, our theology, or our righteousness/godly behavior. None of these will allow you into God's presence. Instead, it is the blood of Christ alone that gives us admission and confidence of our admission.

Not only does Christ's work as the great high priest make it possible to enter God's presence, but we can draw near (and stay near) to the Father through him as well. Just as the Israelites were made ceremonially clean through the sacrifices, Christ's sacrifice makes us pure and clean— not just ceremonially clean, but bodies and conscience. Recall from the last sections the OT sacrifices had to be repeated daily (10:11), but Christ's work was completed (10:12). The result is our everlasting ability to draw near to the Father having been granted access to him.

Holding fast to our confession is a command we've seen previously in Hebrews (4:14), though it is also tied to our confidence (3:6) and our hope (3:6; 6:18). We are to trust in the Lord and his faithfulness without wavering. If we were to hold fast to our own faithfulness or our own righteousness, we would be sunk.   

Remember the main point of Hebrews is calling the church to steadfast faithfulness in light of severe challenges and persecution. The author in this section is reminding them of Christ's faithful work in the past in order that they will take advantage of their direct access to the Father in the present. Further, in light of this truth, holding fast to this truth will carry us into our future hope.

Remembering what Christ has done is an important daily task, recalling that our hearts and bodies have been cleansed by Jesus' blood. But do we take advantage of our ability to draw to God? If not, what is keeping us from drawing near with confidence? Do we struggle to trust in the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice— whether we think our sins are too great or doubt that our sin has truly been dealt with at the cross? This is why we need the reminders... because aren't always living in the full assurance of faith, confident, and unwavering.

If you would like to hear the sermon on this passage you can go to the epikos church website at  With locations in West Allis, East Side, and soon North Side we are one of the Milwaukee churches dedicated to faithfully preaching God's word.